Dana Priyanka Hammond

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Picture of Dana Priyanka Hammond
Native name Dana Priyanka Hammond
Born 23 November 1984 (1984-11-23) (age 39)
Pune, India
Residence United States
Nationality South Indian ( South Asian)


Years active 2022- present
Known for Author, Writer
Home town Tacoma, WA
Height 5.2"
Dana Priyanka Hammond

Dana Priyanka Hammond (born November 23, 1984) is an American author, speaker, advocate, and survivor known for her resilience, creativity, and commitment to social change. She is recognized for her work in the fields of mental health advocacy, human trafficking prevention, and foster care reform. Hammond is also a bestselling author, known for her candid memoirs and self-help books that offer insight, inspiration, and guidance to readers worldwide.

Early Life

Dana Priyanka Hammond's early life began in Pune, India, although the specifics of her birth and upbringing remain shrouded in mystery. Born on November 23, 1984, according to records provided by the orphanage where she was placed, Hammond's true origins and birth date are unknown. Despite the uncertainty surrounding her early years, Hammond's resilience and determination have defined her journey from the outset.


Dana Priyanka Hammond's career is characterized by her multifaceted roles as an author, speaker, and advocate. Drawing from her own experiences, Hammond has dedicated herself to raising awareness about issues such as mental health, human trafficking, and the foster care system. Through her writing and public speaking engagements, she strives to empower others, spark meaningful conversations, and effect positive change.

Hammond's literary contributions have garnered widespread acclaim, with her books earning recognition as bestsellers on platforms such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Her works encompass a diverse range of genres, including memoir, self-help, and fiction, each offering a unique blend of personal insight, inspiration, and practical guidance. In addition to her writing, Hammond is an active advocate for marginalized communities, particularly survivors of trauma and individuals navigating the complexities of the foster care system. She leverages her platform to amplify their voices, advocate for policy reform, and foster greater understanding and empathy within society.

Personal Life

Dana Priyanka Hammond is a devoted single mother to her daughter, Samar Evelyn Cadence Hammond. As a parent, she is committed to providing her child with a stable and nurturing environment in which to thrive, drawing upon her own experiences to guide and support her daughter's journey.

Philanthropy and Community Involvement : Outside of her professional pursuits, Dana Priyanka Hammond is deeply involved in philanthropic initiatives and community outreach efforts. She volunteers her time and resources to support organizations dedicated to mental health advocacy, human trafficking prevention, and foster care reform, seeking to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Recognition and Awards :Throughout her career, Dana Priyanka Hammond has received numerous accolades and awards in recognition of her contributions to literature, advocacy, and social change. Her work has been celebrated for its impact, authenticity, and unwavering commitment to empowering individuals and communities.


1. Author's Website: amazon writer profile

2. Hammond, Dana Priyanka. Abandoned but Not Forgotten: "One woman's true story of being abducted as a child. To scouring the planet for her birth parents.. May 21, 2020

3. Hammond, Dana Priyanka. Dana- Magnetic Entrepreneur: Celebrities Keeping it Real January 25, 2020

4. Tear the Veil 2: 19 Extraordinary Visionaries Help Other Women Break their Silence by Sharing their Stories and Reclaiming their Legacy! March 20, 2019

5. Delicious Vegetarian Dishes: The Top 10 Recipes with Unique Flavor of Indian Cuisine November 6, 2018

6. Interview with Dana Priyanka Hammond.

Social Profiles

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